Roads, Weather & Webcams


Pemberton BC Roads

Plan Smartly

Current Status

Get Pemberton weather, webcams from our local highway 99 for Pemberton and Whistler, and British Columbia travel resources in one place!

Pemberton Weather Forecast

Whistler Weather Forecast

Pemberton Webcams

Whistler Blackcomb WebCam

DRIVE•BC Traveller Information System

Drive BC Logo
The DriveBC website displays current road conditions, such as slippery sections and poor visibility; incidents like collisions and rock slides; and future planned events, such as avalanche prevention, construction, and bridge maintenance. In addition, the DriveBC map features highway webcam icons, which display recently captured images of highway conditions throughout the province when clicked on.

Road Conditions: Sea to Sky District

The Government of BC provides resources, including road conditions, a Sea to Sky District FSR Access Map, Safety-Related Links, Motor Vehicle Prohibitions, and more.

Sea-to-Sky Road Conditions

A public Facebook group where members post information and photos pertaining to road conditions in the area.

Getting Here is Easy!

Pemberton, BC, is located directly off Highway 99, a major well-maintained highway and close to Whistler, Vancouver, and other major centres in British Columbia.