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Local: 604.894.2000   or
Dial “0” from your room phone

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Be Fire Smart
In Case of Fire Call 9-911

For your protection, please read this safety and security information.

We’re Smoke Free

No Smoking No Vaping No Smoking No VapingPemberton Valley Lodge is a 100% smoke-free resort, including electronic and vapour cigarettes and marijuana on all patios, balconies, and public areas. Should you be caught smoking in any restricted area, a $500 fine will be imposed. Should evidence of smoking be found during or after you have checked out of your guest room, a $500 fine will be imposed.

On Check-In: In Case of Fire, Smoke May Reduce Visibility

  1. Find the exits and study the floor plan on your guestroom door.
  2. Count doorways and features between room exits.
  3. Keep your room key readily available.

If You Detect a Fire: Try to Remain Calm

  1. Immediately call 9-911.
  2. Pull the nearest alarm station.
  3. Alert fellow guests.
  4. Go to a safe location and take your room key.

If Alerted to a Fire:

  • Determine if it is safe to vacate by looking through the door viewer or slightly opening it.

If Fire and Smoke Conditions Are Reasonable:

  1. Take your room key in the event your exit is compromised.
  2. Close the door behind you.
  3. Walk or crawl to an exit.
  4. DO NOT use elevators!

If Conditions Require You to Stay In Your Room:

  1. For extinguishing and wetting purposes, fill sinks or other containers with water.
  2. Prevent fumes from entering your room through vents and openings and under doors by plugging them with wet towels.
  3. Alert staff and authorities to your location.
  4. If there is smoke in your room: Stay low – hold a wet cloth in front of your mouth. Don’t break windows unless necessary – you may cause smoke or fire to enter the room.


  • Safeguard your room key as you would your residence key.
  • If your room key is lost or stolen, report it to the Front Desk at once.
  • Double-lock your door from the inside when staying in your room.
  • Never admit repairmen without checking with management.
  • Do not keep valuables in your room. Safe deposit boxes are available at the Front Desk free of charge.
  • Do not leave valuables in parked vehicles.
  • Do not reveal the name of the hotel or room number to strangers.
  • Do not leave luggage unattended while checking out.
  • If you notice anything suspicious or alarming, contact the Front Desk.
No Smoking or Vaping Icon

We're Smoke Free!

Pemberton Valley Lodge is a 100% smoke-free resort, including electronic and vapour cigarettes and marijuana on all patios, balconies, and public areas. Should you be caught smoking in any restricted area, a $500 fine will be imposed. Should evidence of smoking be found during or after you have checked out of your guest room, a $500 fine will be imposed.

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